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Some Regression Topics

Poisson Regression

Data yiy_i are from a Poisson distribution with mean μi\mu_i and lnμi=β1+β2xi\ln{\mu_i}=\beta_1+\beta_2 x_i. A likelihood function can be written and the parameters can be estimated using maximum likelihood.

The Generalized Linear Model (GLM)

Data yiy_i are from a distribution within the exponential family, with mean μi\mu_i and g(μi)=xiβg(\mu_i)=\textbf{x}'_i\boldsymbol{\beta} for some link function, gg. A likelihood function can now be written and the parameters can be estimated using maximum likelihood.


Data yiy_i are from a distribution within the exponential family, with mean μi\mu_i and g(μi)=xiβg(\mu_i)=\textbf{x}'_i\boldsymbol{\beta} for some link function, gg.

The exponential family includes distributions such as the Gaussian, binomial, Poisson, and gamma (and thus exponential and chi-squared)

The link functions are typically

  • identity (with the Gaussian)

  • log (with the Poisson and the gamma)

  • logistic (with the binomial)

A likelihood function can be set up for each of these models and the parameters can be estimated using maximum likelihood.

The glm package in R has options to estimate parameters in these models.